Whispering Oaks Farm was started in 2003 by Seth & Ruth Jamison as a family dairy farm. Our farm is located in the foothills of the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains in the heart of Franklin County, VA. We milk primarily Registered Holsteins with a few Brown Swiss cows mixed in our herd and sell our milk to Homestead Creamery. Our farm has been in the family nearly 50 years and is currently operated by the second and third generation as we blend modern agriculture with regenerative farming practices and continually strive to steward the resources and animals in our care.
We have been blessed to be able to raise our five children on the farm and they have all enjoyed being part of the daily activity. While two of our daughters are married and are less involved, three of our children live on the farm and love to help with the animals and crops.
We are truly a family farm and farm animals take 24/7 care. Meet Patrick Thomason and Rachel Arrington. When our family takes an occasional vacation, Patrick and Rachel have been the caretakers of our herd and we have partnered with them to bring you this opportunity to share our farm with you. Look for Rachel's smiling face in our videos and come visit us on pick days this summer!
Historically, we have focused on being a dairy farm and raising corn, soybeans, and alfalfa for our A2 dairy herd. As we have participated in hosting farm tours and interacting with our visitors, we began to think more about you- our customer and the people who enjoy the food we produce each day. We are excited to share our farm with you through an interactive pick your own vegetable garden and offer a peek into our daily farm life through tours of the dairy facility.
The 'behind the scenes tour' of our working dairy farm is available on a limited basis. The tour includes a visit to the milking parlor where you see cows milked, an up-close stop with the baby calves and concludes with your choice of delicious Homestead Creamery ice cream. Our A2 milk is available in glass bottles at the Homestead Creamery market in Wirtz, VA.